diff --git a/man/i3status.man b/man/i3status.man index 1d679a3..f2f193b 100644 --- a/man/i3status.man +++ b/man/i3status.man @@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ It acts equivalently to +format+. As Linux' meminfo doesn't expose the overall memory in use, there are multiple methods to distinguish the actually used memory. -*Example used_memory_method*: +memavailable+ ("total memory" - "MemAvailable", matches gnome system monitor) +*Example memory_used_method*: +memavailable+ ("total memory" - "MemAvailable", matches +free+ command) -*Example used_memory_method*: +classical+ ("total memory" - "free" - "buffers" - "cache", matches gnome system monitor) +*Example memory_used_method*: +classical+ ("total memory" - "free" - "buffers" - "cache", matches gnome system monitor) *Example order*: +memory+