VPN was removed because it pointed to vpnc, which hasn’t been updated since 2008 and is long obsolete in favor of openconnect. Since different people use different VPN solutions, though (and other modules configured by default do actually work regardless of the system), let’s remove this and have people who need it configure it explicitly. DHCP was removed because modern systems often don’t use dhclient anymore (but rather systemd-networkd’s DHCP client, which can also be used via NetworkManager these days) and because it fails our philosophy test: it’s not something which you would look at every now and then if i3status didn’t expose it. |
contrib | ||
include | ||
man | ||
src | ||
yajl-fallback/yajl | ||
.clang-format | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
i3status.c | ||
i3status.conf | ||
Makefile | ||
i3status is a small program (about 1500 SLOC) for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs. It is designed to be very efficient by issuing a very small number of system calls, as one generally wants to update such a status line every second. This ensures that even under high load, your status bar is updated correctly. Also, it saves a bit of energy by not hogging your CPU as much as spawning the corresponding amount of shell commands would.
i3status has the following dependencies:
- libconfuse-dev
- libyajl-dev
- libasound2-dev
- libnl-genl-3-dev
- libcap2-bin (for getting network status without root permissions)
- asciidoc (only for the documentation)
- libpulse-dev (for getting the current volume using PulseAudio)
On debian-based systems, the following line will install all requirements:
apt-get install libconfuse-dev libyajl-dev libasound2-dev libiw-dev asciidoc libcap2-bin libpulse-dev libnl-genl-3-dev
i3status is developed at https://github.com/i3/i3status
Compiling is done with the usual make-line
make && sudo make install